
Associations & Organizations Directory

CFO Systems LLC

Leadership on Demand We provide fractional, interim, project as well as recruiting & staffing services for middle to lower-middle market organizations. Our focus is accounting, finance, human resources, operations, procurement and other like duties. Or team of Directors has over 3.500 years of experience in a variety of industries and work nationwide on a virtual, remote or hybrid schedule. We help our clients grow utilizing our Core Values: Family First, Get !t Done, Team and Truth & Transparency. Our goal is to get you to the next step towards success.

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Advanced BioFuels USA

Advanced Biofuels USA, a nonprofit educational organization, advocates for adoption of advanced renewable fuels as an immediate energy security, economic development, climate change mitigation and pollution control solution. Our key tool is our web site,, with more than 47,000 items in our online library, a resource for all from opinion-leaders, decision-makers, legislators to industry professionals, investors, producers, growers and researchers; as well as journalists, teachers, students and the general public. We prepare technology and policy assessments, brief government staff, participate in conferences and lecture. Technology neutral, feedstock and product agnostic, our work is respected around the world.

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AgCountry Farm Credit Services

Relationship Lenders in the ethanol industry for nearly 20 years. AgCountry provides financing to agribusinesses.

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AgCountry Farm Credit Services

Relationship Lenders in the ethanol industry for nearly 20 years. AgCountry provides financing to agribusinesses.

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American BioCarbon

American BioCarbon (ABC) is a leading manufacturer of the next great advancement in carbon technologies: biochar. ABC uses an agricultural waste product in a unique way to eliminate legacy environmental impacts while helping customers meet environmental, social, and governance goals. American BioCarbon uses patented biomass separation technology along with other specialized equipment to make premium biochar from sugar cane bagasse. By harnessing the unique properties of bagasse, an agricultural waste product that would otherwise be burned or left to decay and create greenhouse gases (GHG), ABC produces a valuable product and helps sugar mills and local sugar growers. It’s a prime demonstration of value creation in a circular economy, a system where materials never become waste and nature is regenerated. The unique honeycomb carbon structure of bagasse makes it more effective than other wood-based products on the market. The porous elements within bagasse make it superior for use as a soil amendment. A highly advantageous attribute of bagasse is carbon sequestration. American BioCarbon’s bagasse biochar permanently captures carbon in the soil, presenting a tremendous opportunity to advance multiple Sustainable Development Goals. Contact us now to discuss how you and American BioCarbon can work together towards carbon net negative emissions. Let’s do our part to save the world together.

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American Coalition for Ethanol

The American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE) is powered by people from all walks of life who work shoulder-to-shoulder to develop new markets and mobilize grassroots support for expanding ethanol use. We represent the priorities of community-based and farmer-owned ethanol plants. Our grassroots membership also includes product and service providers, commodity groups, cooperatives, retailers, individual farmers, and ethanol investors. In addition to public policy, we support ethanol through market development activity, learn more at We also publish the bimonthly trade magazine Ethanol Today, read the issues online at Follow us on social on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and Instagram - @ACEethanol.

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Amros Corporation

Since 1994 Amros Corporation has been providing innovative geoscience solutions to help operators optimize the development of both conventional and unconventional reservoirs around the world. In 2013 we introduced ShaleVision, our proprietary technology based on decades of research and analysis that identifies the highest producing zones in shale plays, allowing operators to target the best producing zones and avoid the cost of drilling low productive wells. Developing only sweet spots allows operators to double or triple in production and recovery efficiency. This is green technology that significantly reduces environmental impact. Operators can have the same production and at the same time pump much less water, proppants, and various chemicals underground. Frack less – produce more. The most effective way of carbon capture is producing less carbon.

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Biotech Applied Research

Biotech Applied Research (BAR) is a pioneering non-profit committed to shaping a sustainable future through the development and promotion of bio-based technologies. With a diverse team encompassing technical experts, political strategists, visionary agricultural leaders, and connections to universities and other non-profits, BAR is at the forefront of researching and advancing sustainable technology. Our mission is to foster a collaborative environment dedicated to solving global sustainability challenges by researching, innovating, and cultivating biotechnology. Our vision is a world where bio-based technology provides shelter, clothing, food, fuel, and healthcare. At the heart of our endeavor is the goal to create a bio-economy, replacing current economic systems with bio-based products, thus boosting the American GDP with domestically produced goods for textiles, pharmaceuticals, energy, animal bedding, and much more. This shift not only promises significant environmental benefits, such as addressing climate change issues related to water, soil, and air quality, but also heralds a new era in American manufacturing, marked by sustainability and reduced waste. Our partnership with South Florida State College (SFSC), University of South Florida (USF), and Utah State University (USU) underscores our commitment to education and innovation. This collaboration is a testament to our dedication to creating job opportunities, supporting farmers in growing quality crops, benefiting student research, and assisting colleges in achieving their goals and objectives. Through these efforts, BAR is not just envisioning a sustainable future but actively working towards making it a reality.

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Clearwater Communications/North Dakota Ethanol Producers Association

North Dakota Ethanol Producers Association's purpose is to collectively promote and strengthen North Dakota's ethanol industry. The association is made of the representatives of the six ethanol plants in the state. The six North Dakota ethanol plants have the capacity to produce 550 million gallons of ethanol per year, which is 50% more than the production capacity a decade ago. Five of the six plants are located in a community with a population of less than 2,500 and contribute an average of 57 jobs and an average annual payroll of $6.4 million to the community. North Dakota ethanol plants use 160-180 million bushels of corn annually with more than 80 percent of the corn purchased from North Dakota farmers. Forty to 60 percent of the state’s total corn production annually is purchased by North Dakota ethanol plants. Each bushel of corn processed produces 3 gallons of ethanol, 15 pounds of livestock feed (dried distillers grains), 18 pounds of carbon dioxide and up to 1 pound of corn oil. Two of our plants, Red Trail Ethanol and Blue Flint Ethanol, are now conducting CO2 injection. The RTE ethanol plant emits an average of 180,000 metric tons of CO2 annually from the fermentation process during ethanol production. With CCS, RTE is capturing 100 percent of their CO2 emissions from the fermentation process and is injecting approximately 500 metric tons of CO2 per day. The CO2 is permanently stored underground more than a mile below the surface in the Broom Creek formation. The Blue Flint Ethanol plant produces more than 200,000 metric tons per year of CO2, as a byproduct of the fermentation process. Using CCS, Blue Flint is capturing 100 percent of their CO2 emissions from the fermentation process and is injecting approximately 600 metric tons of CO2 per day. The CO2 is permanently stored underground about 1 mile below the surface in the Broom Creek formation.

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Compass Energy Systems

Compass Energy Systems specializes in the engineering, design, and fabrication of top-quality, custom, and standard compression, power, and process package systems. With deep roots in the natural gas industry, Compass offers unmatched capabilities and experience for helping customers find the right solution for carbon capture, acid gas, new energy, and traditional gas projects. Compass offers a single-source solution for a diverse and broad product range that includes warm-weather and arctic-style packaging from two major fabrication facilities in Houston, Texas, and Calgary, Alberta. With all aspects of design, build, and assembly handled in-house, the team works hard to ensure consistent quality, meet budget expectations, and project timelines on high-performing packages that meet each customer’s unique needs. Beyond fabrication, Compass supports the entire life cycle of equipment – from retrofits to overhauls, leasing/financing, parts sourcing, and field maintenance – from 11 locations across North America.

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Electrochaea is an energy company with an innovative solution for storage of intermittent renewable energy and generation of synthetic methane. Electrochaea’s proprietary technology converts renewable electricity and carbon dioxide into BioCat Methane, a low-carbon intensity synthetic methane. For this process, we use Electrochaea’s patented biocatalyst – a methanogenic archaea. BioCat Methane is reliable, practical, and a safe replacement for natural gas. It can be stored in the existing gas grid infrastructure for use in days, weeks or months. This scalable solution allows for the efficient and unlimited storage of energy for future use, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, and accelerates decarbonization of the gas grid.

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Maryland Forestry Foundation

Largest nonprofit tree planting organization in Maryland - provides financial support to Maryland's County Forestry Boards and landowner outreach

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PCE Americas

Explore PCE Instruments’ wide selection of monitoring, analysis, testing and measuring instruments used to measure various parameters in the physical, electrical and chemical spectra. Choose from more than 800 different kinds of desktop and handheld measuring and test equipment in stock and ready to ship to your location. No matter the task, you’re sure to find the right tool for your application with PCE Instruments.

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Renewable Energy Institute

Renewable Energy Institute is a non-profit company founded in 2007 that is changing the way the world makes and uses energy.

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RenewCO2 Inc.

RenewCO₂ is revolutionizing monomer production from carbon dioxide emissions with its Electrocatalytic Carbon Utilization Technology (eCUT) that is low-cost, energy-efficient, and carbon-negative.

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