
DNV Leads Project to Set Standards for CO2 Flow Meter Traceability and Accuracy in CCUS

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June 21, 2024

Policy & Regulation

DNV is at the forefront of a collaborative effort to establish standards for flow meter traceability along the CO2 value chain, for accurate CO2 measurement in advancing carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS).

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Four final rules deliver on the Biden-Harris Administration’s day-one commitment to lead on climate action and to protect all communities from pollution.

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Input will inform President Biden’s Investing in America agenda toward commercialization of technologies that reduce industrial carbon pollution.

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49 projects across 21 atates and a new funding opportunity will help advance next-generation technologies to significantly cut emissions and support President Biden’s efforts to build a clean energy economy.

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Carbon America has submitted a Class VI CO2 Injection Well permit application to the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Region 8 office to permanently store carbon dioxide produced by two ethanol plants in northeastern Colorado. The application was submitted on December 4th, 2023, made it through the completeness determination on January 7th, 2024, and is now in the technical review phase.

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Gov. John Bel Edwards and Louisiana Department of Natural Resources Commissioner of Conservation Monique M. Edwards announced the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has formally granted Louisiana state primacy in the permitting and regulation of wells and projects involving the underground sequestration of carbon dioxide (CO2).

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Government sets out plans for a new competitive UK carbon capture, usage and storage market by 2035 - delivering new jobs and supporting net zero.

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The California Air Resources Board (CARB) has identified the Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) as a critical program to help California achieve carbon neutrality by 2045 and to improve air quality in the State.

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The Cook Government will invest more than $4 million to establish a world-leading Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) industry in Western Australia as a new study reveals the State's enormous potential as a hub for carbon storage.

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The Petroleum Association of Wyoming has launched the Wyoming Carbon Innovation Network to support the development and growth of the carbon management industry in Wyoming, while ensuring the existing oil and natural gas industry continue to flourish.

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The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service announced a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) that would allow the agency to consider proposals for potential carbon capture and sequestration projects on national forests and grasslands.

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The International CCS Knowledge Centre released a new report to help companies across heavy-emitting industries understand the key federal and provincial supports that are in place or proposed for CCUS projects in Alberta, Canada.

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The International CCS Knowledge Centre has published a review of the Government of Canada’s proposed Clean Electricity Regulations, which would limit annual carbon emission intensities to 30 tonnes of CO2 per gigawatt-hour.

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Eni has reached an agreement in principle with the UK Government’s Department of Energy Security and Net Zero on the key terms and conditions for the economic, regulatory and governance model for the transportation and storage of CO2.

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Mhairidh Evans, head of CCUS research for Wood Mackenzie, said that urgency is needed to meet the seven billion tonnes carbon capture (Btpa) required to meet net zero goals in 2050 while speaking at Wood Mackenzie’s CCUS conference in Houston

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DNV has published new guidelines for the safe installation of onboard carbon capture and storage system on board ships, amid growing pressure on the shipping industry to develop effective technologies to reduce emissions.

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The Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, released Canada’s Carbon Management Strategy at the International Energy Agency in Paris, France

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The Government of Canada’s proposed regulations for an investment tax credit for CCUS projects include strong provisions to support jobs for skilled tradespeople, apprentices and construction workers.

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The U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management announced ts intent to launch a “Responsible Carbon Management Initiative.”

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The newly formed American Carbon Alliance announced it has added the nation’s three most preeminent ethanol organizations to the coalition: The American Coalition for Ethanol, Growth Energy, and the Renewable Fuels Association.

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Selected Projects will Help Local Communities Accelerate Deployment of Carbon Management Technology to Capture and Permanently Store Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Industrial and Power Facilities

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The International CCS Knowledge Centre sent an open letter to government leaders in the United Kingdom, United States and Canada on behalf of many of the world’s leading environmental scientists, academics and experts on CCS as a tool.

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The American Carbon Alliance announced it is launching a broad coalition of leaders who are joining forces to bring attention to the benefits that carbon capture technology will have on rural communities, the nation’s economy, and the environment.

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The bipartisan Carbon Removal, Efficient Agencies, Technology Expertise (CREATE) Act boosts research and development of carbon removal technologies that advance global sustainability by removing harmful greenhouse gas emissions from the air.

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