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July 23, 2024

By CarbonBlue

Climate-tech startup CarbonBlue has announced the completion of a seed funding round to scale up and deploy its groundbreaking water-based Carbon Dioxide Removal technology, bringing the funding raised by the company to $10 million. The financing will allow the company to expand its global operations, scale up its technology and pursue novel integrations with water-utilizing industrial facilities.

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Carbon Capture Technologies Program Grant Recipients Announced by Australian Government

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By Australian Government, Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water

July 23, 2024

Project DevelopmentCapture

The Australian Government is supporting new ways to capture carbon dioxide and put it to use, to help reduce emissions from hard-to-abate industries and advance Australia’s net zero transformation. Through the Carbon Capture Technologies Program, the government is investing $65 million in 7 projects that will use emerging technologies to decarbonize hard-to-abate industrial processes and directly remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

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Carbon Capture LLC announced significant progress in its revolutionary carbon capture solution, developed in collaboration with Haydale Graphene Industries plc. Following a successful feasibility study, Carbon Capture has completed a prototype device leveraging Haydale's proprietary plasma functionalized graphene. The study demonstrated the efficacy of capturing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere using this innovative technology.

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The Acorn Carbon transport and storage project, a project that aims to capture, transport and safely store CO2 emissions from across Scotland, will be granted £2 million from the Scottish Government.

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Air Liquide's large scale CO₂ liquefaction technology, Cryocap™ LQ, has been selected by Stockholm Exergi to contribute to its Bio-Energy Carbon Capture & Storage (BECCS) project. The CO₂ liquefaction solution allows to transport CO₂ over long distances to carbon sinks for permanent storage, contributing to the viability of CCS projects and emergence of a low-carbon industry.

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Featured Articles

Conestoga to host SAFFiRE cellulosic ethanol pilot plant

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By SAFFiRE Renewables LLC

November 28, 2023

Conestoga Energy and SAFFiRE Renewables LLC announced on Nov. 16 their agreement for Conestoga to host SAFFiRE’s cellulosic ethanol pilot plant at Conestoga’s Arkalon Energy ethanol facility in Liberal, Kansas.

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Hub of Collaboration

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By Chris Gould

November 15, 2023

Consortium Aims to Bring Direct Air Capture to California California is leading the way in setting ambitious decarbonization goals and driving innovative solutions and cross-sector collaborations to address climate change. To help meet this need, a consortium of more than 40 organizations across industry, technology, academia, national labs, community, government, and labor was formed by Carbon TerraVault Holdings, LLC (CTV), a subsidiary of California Resources Corporation, to pursue Department of Energy (DOE) funding under its Regional Direct Air Capture (DAC) Hubs initiative to create the California DAC Hub, the state’s first full-scale DAC plus storage (DAC+S) network of regional hubs. In August 2023, the consortium was selected to receive $11.8 million in funding from the DOE, the largest amount of funding allocated to a California DAC project through this initiative. The first hub is targeted to launch in Kern County, California and the consortium will look to expand to other locations across the state.

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Powering Progress

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By Christine Waiand, Heartland Generation and Patrick Elliott

November 15, 2023

Utilizing pre-combustion CCS technology to increase hydrogen use in the electricity sector

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July 2024

Addressing Heavy Industry's Carbon Challenges with Hot Potassium Carbonate Solutions

This week's Carbon Capture Magazine podcast features Cato Christiansen, Chief Technology Officer at Capsol Technologies and Trudi Christensen, Commercial Development Manager also at Capsol Technologies. Interviewed by Danielle Piekarski, Content Coordinator of Carbon Capture Magazine. View More.

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